Iowa Student Loan
Iowa Student Loan is all about your success.
- Private Student Loans
- Scholarships
Established in 1979 as a private, nonprofit corporation, Iowa Student Loan helps Iowa students and families obtain the resources necessary to succeed in post-secondary education. To date, Iowa Student Loan has helped more than 392,500 students pay for college.
Iowa Student Loan provides scholarships and programs for Iowa families, offers private student loans for students who have exhausted other sources of aid, and reinvests funds in programs to benefit students and borrowers.
Based in West Des Moines, Iowa, the organization and its subsidiary employ more than 200 people and manages $2.6 billion in student loans. Iowa Student Loan is self-funded and self-capitalized. It is governed by a board of directors that, since its inception, has been appointed by the governor of Iowa. Iowa Student Loan does not have shareholders, nor does it receive state appropriations.