Most colleges require ACT or Placement testing before admission is offered.
AP Exams
Exams are given in May and scores can help with college credit.
Students MUST sign up and pay for exams by the March deadline to take an exam in May. (Extra Exams are not available) |
College Visits
College Admissions Counselors will be visiting throughout the fall to meet with students.
Please see Kelli if you would like to meet with an admissions counselor.
Emails will be sent with date and time of visits. |
RaiseMe Scholarships Raise.me helps students in 9th - 12th grades to discover colleges and earn scholarships for their academic and extracurricular achievements throughout high school.
The Micro-Scholarships students can earn on Raise.Me vary depending on what each college chooses to offer.
Students create a portfolio and follow colleges they’re interested in attending. As they add achievements to their portfolio - grades, club or sports participation, even college visits - they can see the micro-scholarships add up. Partner colleges assign a potential dollar amount to certain achievements, which show students how much they’d be guaranteed in scholarships if they are accepted to that school.
Yes, these scholarships are real! Requirements must be met and students must provide true information on their Portfolio. The scholarship dollars come from the colleges, not RaiseMe. RaiseMe gives students the chance to earn those scholarships before they apply, rather than finding out later on, and they can see exactly what they are being awarded for. Any 9th-12th grade student can sign up and complete a profile, but in order to guarantee the scholarship dollars:
Check the website for more information: RaiseMeScholarships