October 22, 2020
Mt. Pleasant Community High School is busy planning for Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 5th and 6th. This year we are trying to make things Covid mitigation friendly. We are offering parents three methods of conferencing with the teachers and scheduling conferences using PTC Fast scheduling. Parents can attend in person, Zoom with the teacher, or have a conference via telephone. PTC Fast is the same system the elementary buildings have used in the past.
You can see a demonstration of how PTC Fast works at MPCHS by viewing this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/llrQ5ogAGGo
The link to the MPCHS PTC Fast page is https://ptcfast.com/schools/MPCHS
Please email your student’s teachers if you want to conference via Zoom or telephone. If you choose Zoom, they will send you a link to their Zoom conference.
If you have questions or need assistance scheduling your conferences, please contact the High School office at 319-385-7700.
Todd Liechty